August 11th, 2019

Sermon:           I Believe in the Holy Spirit      

Theme:            We open our hearts and minds to participating with God’s work through God’s presence within our hearts and minds, inspiring and leading us.

Purpose:          The congregation will expand their perception of the Holy Spirit as a constant presence in our lives.

Scriptures:       Acts 2:1-4, 16-21         The Holy Spirit fulfills the prophecy of the prophet Joel.

                        John 20:19-23 Jesus breathes upon the disciples and gives them the Holy Spirit.


Is he a friendly ghost? What’s up with all of the “speaking in tongues” stuff? Why can’t the Holy Spirit be more direct with us? What difference the Holy Spirit make in our lives in practical ways? How do we relate to God being present within us? How does the Holy Spirit empower us with spiritual gifts? How can we allow the Holy Spirit to inspire us?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

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