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Sermon: Are We Prepared to Drink of the Cup?
Theme: Those who wish to live in the fullness of God’s grace and joy place the gift of being in relationship with God and God’s people ahead of their own selfish demands.
Purpose: We will focus on commitment to Christ over our own personal needs or issues.
Scriptures: Psalm 100 Make a joyful noise to the Lord, the Lord is good, His steadfast love endures forever.
Matthew 20:17-28 Jesus tells the disciples that he is to be crucified, the mother of James and John come asking to have them at Jesus right and left hand in the Kingdom.
Do we draw more strength from our relationship with Christ and with God’s people than from our own ego and selfishness? How do we trust that we will be happy in our faithfulness and submission to God? How do we let go of our fear and suspicion that God’s way will be less than what we want? How do we learn to see our own wants differently? What do we need to do in order to move from focusing on ourselves to experiencing the fullness of joy in God’s love and fellowship?
Description for Wednesday May 6, 2020
Liturgist: Carol Wetzel
Scripture is read from NRSV Bible (New Revised Standard Version)
Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE, License #A-730666 and CCLI Streaming License CSPL069066. All Rights reserved.
The Presbyterian Hymnal #220 “All People That on Earth Do Dwell” (Psalm 100)
TEXT: William Kethe, 1560
MUSIC (OLD HUNDREDTH, LM): Attr. Louis Bourgeois, 1551
The Presbyterian Hymnal #579 “Gloria Patri”
Public Domain
Glory Be to the Father
TEXT: Trad. liturgical text. Composer: Henry W. Greatorex (1851)
The Presbyterian Hymnal #268 “God Who Stretched the Spangled Heavens”
TEXT: Catherine Cameron, 1967, alt.; © 1967 Hope Publishing Company, Carol Stream, IL 60188.
All rights reserved. Used by Permission.
MUSIC (HOLY MANNA Attr. William Moore, 1825; harm. Charles Anders, 1969;
harm. © 1969 Contemporary Music I: Hymns (admin. Augsburg Fortress) All rights reserved.
First Presbyterian Church, FDL License #A-730666