March 14 Virtual Worship Service 4th Sunday of Lent

Click HERE to see the YouTube video of the worship service. Click HERE to listen to an audio podcast of the service. Click HERE to see the bulletin. For the Radio version (shorter) of the service, click HERE.

Sermon:  A Promise of Grace    

Theme:  God offers us unconditional love that frees us from our prison of sin and bondage to our past.           

Purpose:  We will learn to receive grace and practice living by that same grace.        

Scriptures:  Ephesians 2:1-10  By grace we have been saved, not the results of our works, but out of kindness in Jesus Christ.

                      John 3:14-21  The son of Man must be lifted up as the bronze serpent was lifted in the wilderness. God sent the son out of love, for salvation.

Questions: How do we learn to truly practice grace and forgiveness for ourselves, others, and for the world? What does it take to develop ability to not hold onto offenses and accounts of the wrongs that are committed against us? What is the process by which we reorient our minds and our hearts towards letting go of past offenses? What do we need to do to move from being dominated by past memories and resentments to embracing present opportunities for love? What is a true lifestyle of grace?

Description for Sunday, March 14, 2021

Scripture is read from NRSV Bible (New Revised Standard Version)

Permission to podcast/stream the service music obtained from ONE LICENSE,
License A-730666 and CCLI Streaming License CSPL069066. All Rights reserved.

Moment for Mission – One Great Hour of Sharing – Video by Jaeda R., script by Alyssa Sabel

Hymn: Glory to God Hymnal No. 415 “Come, Ye Sinners, Poor and Needy”
TEXT: Stanzas, Joseph Hart, 1759, alt.; refrain, anon.
MUSIC (RESTORATION with refrain): Walker’s Southern Harmony, 1835

Glory to God Hymnal Kyrie 

Lord Have Mercy, Christ Have Mercy
TEXT: Trad. liturgical text. Composer: Hal H. Hopson, ©1995

Sending Hymn: Glory to God Hymnal No. 188 “Jesus Loves Me!”
TEXT: Stanza 1, Anna Bartlett Warner, 1859; stanza 2, David Rutherford McGuire, 1971
MUSIC (JESUS LOVES ME with refrain): William Batchelder Bradbury, 1862, alt.

Liturgist: Wendy Johnson

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