Pastoral Candidate Selected

The Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC) is excited to announce that we have selected a candidate to be the next pastor of First Presbyterian Church, Fond du Lac.

A full biography of our candidate will be available at church on Sunday, December 10th. Here is a brief biography provided by our candidate:

Greetings to First Presbyterian Church, Fond du Lac!

It is exciting and an honor to share with you a quick snapshot of myself and my ministry journey. I have been in ministry for about 30 years. I spent more than a decade in various youth and camp ministry settings, and the last 17 years I have served as an ordained minister of the Word and Sacrament, or Teaching Elder. I have been married for 25 years and we have three children: a college graduate, a college freshman, and a high school junior.

Thank you to the PNC and the entire congregation for all the time, prayer, patience, and hard work involved in the discernment process for seeking new leadership. I look forward to meeting you and being in worship together for this second Sunday of Advent.

Our candidate will lead us in worship at 9 am on Sunday, December 10th. Following the service, the Session has called a congregational meeting to approve the terms of call and elect our candidate.

To celebrate this joyous occasion, we will hold a potluck luncheon in Fellowship Hall following Growing Connections (approximately 11:15 am). All are welcome and encouraged to attend. BBQ pork sandwiches, drinks, and dinnerware will be provided. Attendees are invited to bring a dish to pass.

We have much to celebrate this Advent season. The PNC is grateful for your support and prayers and truly feel that the Holy Spirit has led us to this moment. 

See you Sunday!


Dan Baker, Kim Braatz (PNC Chair), Bonnie Hughes, and Mike Warntjes

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