August 11th, 2019

Sermon:           I Believe in the Holy Spirit      

Theme:            We open our hearts and minds to participating with God’s work through God’s presence within our hearts and minds, inspiring and leading us.

Purpose:          The congregation will expand their perception of the Holy Spirit as a constant presence in our lives.

Scriptures:       Acts 2:1-4, 16-21         The Holy Spirit fulfills the prophecy of the prophet Joel.

                        John 20:19-23 Jesus breathes upon the disciples and gives them the Holy Spirit.


Is he a friendly ghost? What’s up with all of the “speaking in tongues” stuff? Why can’t the Holy Spirit be more direct with us? What difference the Holy Spirit make in our lives in practical ways? How do we relate to God being present within us? How does the Holy Spirit empower us with spiritual gifts? How can we allow the Holy Spirit to inspire us?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

August 4th, 2019 Communion, Outdoor Worship, Churchnic

Sermon:           I Believe in Jesus Christ, God’s Begotten Son.           

Theme:            We believe in Jesus as God’s gift of love to share with us relationship with God.   

Purpose:          The congregation will appreciate the love of God for humanity in Christ.   

Scriptures:       Luke 1:26-38   Jesus is born to the virgin Mary.

                        John 3:16-21   God sent the son into the world to save the world.


What is “begotten?” Is there a “c”gotten? When did Jesus know that he was “special?” When was Jesus actually born (was he around before he was born)? What does it mean that Jesus is uniquely begotten of God? What is our relationship with God through Jesus? What does it mean that God sent Jesus to the world out of love? How do we relate to the story of the virgin Mary? Does it matter whether we believe in the virgin birth of Jesus?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

July 28th, 2019

Sermon:           I Believe in God the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth

Theme:            God’s act of creation was an extension of God’s nature and love which is fulfilled in our love and sharing in creation.         

Purpose:          To focus on the nature of God as loving and creative.         

Scriptures:       Genesis 1:1-5, 31        God created the heavens earth, Let there be light, and all was good.

                        John 1:1-5       In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God.


Why did God create the heavens and the earth? What about the Big Bang? How was God created? (who is God’s mom?)  What is heaven? In what ways do we see God’s nature as being loving and caring through creation? What does it mean that God created everything good? What difference does it make that the manner of creation is through the Word of God? How do we relate to that Word of God? What is our role in taking part in God’s creation? How do we understand that God’s work of creation separates what is good out of chaos?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

7/21/2019 Sermon: Yours is the Kingdom and The Power Forever.

Theme:            Our confidence and joy come from seeing the Kingdom of God and God’s righteousness shared with the world around us.     

Purpose:          The congregation will seek to participate with God’s work of transforming and making things right in the world.      

Scriptures:       Ephesians 1:3-14         God has made his work complete in adopting us as children at the right appointed time.

                        Luke 17:20-37 Pharisees ask where the Kingdom of God is. Jesus warns that the kingdom comes unseen and unexpected.


Why don’t the Catholics say: “Thine is the Kingdom and power?”  Is it they want to get out of church faster?  What is the glory of God?  “Forever?”  Seems a little much.  There’s got to be an end somewhere.  How do we know that the Kingdom of God is coming? What does it mean when Jesus says that the Pharisees cannot see the Kingdom of God? Why is God’s reign a monarchy and not a president or prime minister? How do we understand God’s reign as a King? How are we supposed to understand Jesus’ warning about the kingdom coming unexpectedly?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

07/14/2019 Sermon: Lead us not into temptation, keep us from evil.

Theme:            We trust God to enable us to grow in wisdom and strength through our experiences rather than fear unknowns that are out of our control.      

Purpose:          The congregation will recognize that we come together to seek strength from God to grow and be wise.

Scriptures:       James 1:2-4, 12-21      Count it all joy when you experience trials. Let your temptations lead to the implanted word that has the sower to save your souls. Matthew 4:1-11           Jesus is tempted in the wilderness.


Why would God want to lead us into temptation? What role does temptation play for us? What difference does it make that we pray together that we be strengthened in the midst of our temptations? Are we focused on our temptations as individuals or the whole church? Do we create our own temptations or are they sent to us by God or by the devil? How would we be lead to evil? How do we come to trust God with our vulnerable appetites and weaknesses? Why are temptations such a big part of our lives? Why can’t we pray that God just make us strong without having to go through trials and temptations?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

07/07/2019 Communion, July 4th weekend Sermon: Forgive us our Sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.

Theme:            We are able to enjoy the freedom of forgiveness as we practice releasing others of our accounts and grievances, and in that way are released of feelings of guilt or remorse.

Purpose:          The congregation will explore their practices of letting go of the faults of others so that they may enjoy release from guilt and defensiveness.

Scriptures:       Colossians 3:12-17      As God’s chosen ones, clothe yourself with compassion, love, and forgive one another.

                        Matthew 18:21-35      Parable of the unforgiving servant.


Why do we pray together that our sins be forgiven as we forgive others? What does forgiving others have to do with our own forgiveness? What if we are still angry? Does forgiving mean we have to forget what happened before? What do we need to have forgiven for us together rather than individually? Do we have to forgive all sins or can we just forgive ones that aren’t so bad? Why do some say trespasses, and some say debtors, while we pray to that our sins be forgiven.

Click HERE to listen to the message.

06/30/2019 Sermon: Give us Our Daily Bread

Theme:            We find joy and satisfaction in trusting God to provide for all of our needs as we grow in wisdom and gratitude.          

Purpose:          The congregation will explore gratitude as a way of finding satisfaction and security in their lives.

Scriptures:       John 6:30-35   Jesus says: I am the bread of Life.

Luke 11:3, 5-13           God will respond as we persistently ask, search, and knock.

Questions: What do we mean by “daily bread?” Was Jesus being literal or is this referring to something more? What does it mean for us to live from day to day, depending on God’s provision for us? What is the relationship between praying for “daily bread” and the Manna that the Hebrew people received in the wilderness? Why can’t God just give us all we need for a longer period of time? What does this have to do with faith?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

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