3/10/2019 1st Sunday of Lent

Sermon:           “Who Are You Really?”          

Theme:            We are invited to allow Lent to be a season of discovering God’s love and grace for us individually and as the people of God together.       

Purpose:          The congregation will commit to seeking to deepen their relationship with God through Lent.           

Scriptures:       Romans 10:8-13 Confess with your lips Jesus is Lord, believe in your heart, and God who receives all will save you.

                        Luke 4:1-13 Temptation of Jesus, questioning what it means that he is the Son of God.


Do you think of yourself as a beloved child of God? Does God’s love and approval of you enable you to see yourself differently? Do you know what it means to have confidence in your value and place in the world because of God’s love for you? How do we go about shaping our thinking of ourselves around God’s love for us? How do we become people who are joyfully living as God’s chosen?

Click HERE to listen to the message

3/3/2019 Communion Transfiguration Sunday

Sermon:           “Listen to Him”          

Theme:            We are transformed and renewed through the power of the lamp of Christ’s love and presence.       

Purpose:          The congregation will reflect on what they can do to be more open to hearing and dwelling in Christ’s presence in their lives.          

Scriptures:       Exodus 34:29-35         Moses’ face shone as he spoke with God and became a light that shone in his face.

                        Luke 9:28-43   The transfiguration, and the message that shines to the world that is greater than ourselves.


What does it mean to us to listen to the voice of Jesus? What impact does it have on us to experience the awe and glory of Jesus? How does it change our perspective to see Jesus’ divinity and authority? How does a limited perspective of Jesus’ power limit us? What do we need to do in order to authentically know the majesty and power of God in Jesus?

Click HERE to listen to the message.


Sermon:           “Love that Makes a Difference”        

Theme:            Our knowledge of God and God’s law gives us a lamp that shines brighter as we encounter hostility and conflicts.

Purpose:          Congregation members will focus on letting go of grievances in order to be part of God’s work of renewal in the world around them.          

Scriptures:       Psalm 37:1-11, 39-40  Do not fret about the evil doers but allow the law of God to become your refuge.

                        Luke 6:27-38   Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, do not practice judgment.


How can we possibly authentically learn to love our enemies and do good to the people who hate us? How do we find freedom from our resentments, suspicions, and fears of people who have hurt us in the past? What does it really mean to have relationships of practicing Jesus’ love for people we don’t like? In what ways does the love of Christ by-pass our feelings and open abilities to live in grace and freedom rather than being driven by our fears and other emotions? How do we work to make this a reality in our daily lives?

Click HERE to listen to the message.


Sermon:           “Emptiness and Fullness”       

Theme:            Only through being filled with the knowledge of God will we have a message and light that will be sustained and valuable.         

Purpose:          The congregation will reflect on what leads to satisfaction and fulfillment in their lives and what we then share with the world about what matters.

Scriptures:       Psalm 1 Those who follow the law of the Lord are like trees planted by streams.

                        Luke 6:17-26   Blessings to those who have known poverty and hunger because they have roots in the knowledge of God.


What brings us real fulfillment and peace? How does focusing on what really matters affect our way of living from day to day? In what ways do we find strength and energy in our relationship with God and our relationships with one another? How do we learn to mediate on God’s law and draw strength from God’s Word? What do we need to do in order to not become obsessed with the things we are lacking? How do we become people who are filled by God’s love and Holy Spirit?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

1/27/2019 One service 9:00 AM Annual Meeting following Service.

Sermon:           “A Light for Today”

Theme:            The message of liberation, healing, and being a part of God’s transformation is one that the world craves today.

Purpose:          To focus on being God’s faithful people.

Scriptures:       1 Corinthians 12:12-31a         The various gifts and how the body works together.

Luke 4:14-21   Jesus preaches in the temple, “The spirit of the Lord is upon me.”


How can we share a gift of God’s love and acceptance for each person’s gifts and abilities? How do we assist others to know their own identity as one gifted by God? How do we help people to know their own unique ways of being God’s beloved children? What is that causes us to feel insecure and uncertain about our own abilities and contributions to serving God? In what ways does serving God enable us to feel a unique sense of strength and purpose?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

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