
Sermon:           “To Know and Be Known by God”

Theme:            Our relationship with Christ is an active relationship that shapes us through love into people who live joyfully as Christ’s disciples.

Purpose:          The congregation will move from an intellectualized relationship with God to a moving relationship which will challenge sacrifice and growth.

Scriptures:       John 14:15-21  Jesus said: “If you love me you will keep my commandments.” Jesus will send us the Advocate to guide us.

Acts 7:22-31    Paul’s sermon to Athens – God invites us to a relationship of knowing God rather than worshipping mystery.



What does it mean to know Christ? The Apostle Paul spoke to the people in Athens about the mystery of God, but also spoke about knowing God? How do we go about coming to know God? In what ways do we learn to love God by loving one another? In what ways is our ability to know God dependent on our willingness to love the people around us? In what ways does the lack of love in the world cause God’s presence to be invisible to much of the world? In what ways are we involved in a relationship of spiritual life with God rather than focused on our building, structures, or programs?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

5/14/2017 Mother’s Day

Sermon:            “Growing Into Mature Christians”

Theme:             God’s desire is for us to live in grace and faith that comes from abiding in Christ.

Purpose:            We become for us examples of maturity and strength so that we can encourage joyful and meaningful  lives in one another.

Scriptures:        John 14:1-14    Do not be troubled, believe in God, believe also in Jesus – he goes to prepare a place for us.

1 Peter 2:2-10 Through the Love of Christ mature Christians are built into the temple that shares God’s love and presence in the world.



What does Jesus mean when he calls us to believe? What is the difference between “believing” in Jesus and accepting a doctrine or teaching?  In what ways do we choose to be shaped by God? How do we take part in the process of being renewed and guided into a life of maturity in Christ? What is the sacrifice that we have to give in order to set aside our ego and self-centeredness in order to joyfully live in the relationships that Christ invites us to know? What does it mean for us to be a “spiritual sacrifice” built into the temple of Christ?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

5/7/2017 Communion

Sermon:           The Strength of Submission

Theme:            The people of God find strength through submitting their hearts to Christ’s direction.

Purpose:          The congregation will seek to learn humility and to practice gratitude for opportunities to serve.

Scriptures:       Acts 2:42-27    The disciples held all in common and were empowered by the power of the Holy Spirit.

John 10:1-10    The sheep hear the shepherd’s voice and enter by the gate.



What does it mean to submit to God’s will in our lives? When we practice submission do we give up our own personality or uniqueness? Or does submission mean to recognize greater wisdom than our own? What was the relationship like among the early Christians that they did not feel the need to be jealous about sharing their wealth? Why does it frighten us to picture a relationship in the church that drove people to such generosity? What do we really want in terms of our relationship with Christ and with one another?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

April 23rd, 2017 Chaplain Darren Beachy will be Preaching

Sermon Title: Gone Fishing

First Reading: John 21:1-9

Second: John 21:10-17

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When one is betrayed by a close friend it can become personal and cause some to lose faith in humanity. Jesus was betrayed by a close friend yet out of the abundance of God’s love and forgiveness, Peter is restored. How much more can we be forgiven for the times we kept silent or hid our faith and done things displeasing to the Lord?


Theme of sermon: Forgiveness and Restoration.

Click HERE to listen to the message.

4/16/2017 Easter Sunday

Sermon:           “If You Have Been Raised with Christ…”

Theme:            If you will live in the truth and message of the resurrection you will experience freedom from death’s grip on your life.

Purpose:          The congregation will seek to know and celebrate the resurrection of Christ.

Scriptures:       Colossians 3:1-4          If you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above.

John 20:1-18   Mary, Peter, and John encounter the empty tomb.


What does it mean to receive the resurrection in our lives? In what ways does death dominate our life? What role does gratitude play in “seeking the things that are above?” What happens if our mind is simply set on the things that are problems and anxieties in our lives? Can we have a relationship with Christ that lasts without gratitude? How does the joy of celebrating Christ’s resurrection enable us to be healed of our fears?  How do we share this gift of resurrection with others?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

4/9/2017 Palm Sunday

Sermon:           “Welcome the Humble Reign”

Theme:            Christ comes to us in humility and invites us to live in that same joyful mind of humility and grace.

Purpose:          The congregation will recognize the value and power of the ‘mind of Christ.’

Scriptures:       Matthew 21:1-11        Jesus enters Jerusalem, riding on a donkey.

Philippians 2:5-11       Have the same mind that was in Christ Jesus, that he humbled himself.


What does it mean to have the “Same mind as was in Christ” as we humble ourselves? What is the message of Jesus coming to Jerusalem riding on a donkey? What difference does it make to us that this event happened in a distant city so many years ago, especially with all of the war and violence in the world today? In what places is a humble servant king needed to bring peace to the world? In what ways does a humble servant king bring peace in our own minds and hearts? How do we embrace the coming of Christ as our Lord?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

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