5/1/2016 Allow Jesus to Enter In Communion

Sermon:           “God’s Desire to Care for Us”

Theme:            The intention of God’s relationship with us is to free us from sorrow and fear, and to establish our hearts in healthy relationships.

Purpose:          The congregation will take on an appreciation of God’s intention for us that we be in a loving, healthy relationship.

Scriptures:       Revelation 21:22-22:5 The gift of God’s fellowship will be the light and peace of God’s people.

John 14:23-29 The Advocate will teach and bring to remembrance what is needed.


What does Jesus mean when he promises the “Advocate” will make known to us what we need to know? How far does that promise extend to us? What do we have to do in order to experience that type of knowledge and wisdom? What is Revelation telling us about the relationship between ourselves and God? What does it mean that God will be our light? In what ways can God be our light today? What does it mean to discern direction from God? Does God function like some sort of “Ouija board” or is God’s direction for us something different? How does our free will and God’s direction work together?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

4/17/2016 One worship service – 9:00 AM

The Good Shepherd will wipe away every tear and bring peace to the sheep.

Sermon:           “The Good Shepherd”

Theme:            We listen to the voice of Jesus and make following faithfully our focus so that we may fully enjoy the love of God.

Purpose:          To encourage us to sacrifice ego and trust God’s guidance.

  Scriptures:       Psalm 23          The Lord is my shepherd.

John 10:22-30 Jesus says: “My sheep hear my voice and they follow.”


What does it mean that Jesus is “The Good Shepherd?” In what ways are we called to be like sheep? What is comforting about knowing that Jesus will guide us? Are we prepared to submit ourselves and follow? Or are we wanting God to be our servant and to do our will?  What does it mean to “hear” the shepherd’s voice? Are we doing what we need to do in order to listen to Christ? Are we willing to let Jesus guide us through the valley of darkness? Or are we basing our faith on getting our own way?

Followed by Congregational Meeting to meet with Rev. Bill Blank of the Lombard Mennonite Peace Center

Click HERE to listen to the message.

4/10/2016 Worship

Through the risen Christ the veil of our personal egos, our fears, and our sins are all stripped away. Through the risen Christ we are no longer blind. Christ sheds light on the truth of our lives and the source of our salvation.

Sermon:           Jesus Asks: “Do You Love Me?”

Theme:            As we allow our ego and control to be stripped away we are able to be fully part of the compassion and love of Christ.

Purpose:           The congregation will focus on releasing their sense of power and control in order to be a part of the flow of Christ’s love.

Scriptures:       Revelation 5:11-14      The worship of “The Lamb that was Slaughtered” in heaven.

John 21:1-19   Jesus commissions Peter and the disciples to “care for the lambs” of God.


When we claim to love Jesus, what is expected of us? How is the love for God related to love for the people around us? If we love God, what is our behavior towards the people created in God’s image going to be? How is Jesus’ love demonstrated towards Peter and the rest of the disciples after they had failed and been unfaithful? Can we truly worship God and be judgmental towards other Christians? What does it mean to submit our attitudes and beliefs to Christ?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

4/3/2016 We Grow in Our Faith Through Exploring What We Believe. Communion

Sermon:           “We Shall Believe”

Theme:            God invites us to explore and struggle with our doubts so that we can be in a fully joyful relationship with Christ that involves our emotions and our minds.

Purpose           The congregation will explore their faith and feel joyful about living in the midst of doubt.

Scriptures:       Acts 5:27-32    Peter and the Apostles give account of Jesus to the High Priest and Sanhedrin.

John 20:19-31 Jesus appears to Thomas and breaths upon them the Holy Spirit.


How did you come to believe in Jesus as more than simply a “historical figure?” What does it take for Jesus to be someone who matters in our lives today? What steps do we have to go through in order to experience the resurrection? How do we move from “believing” to living our lives based on the knowledge of Jesus?  What is your testimony or story of what it means to have encountered the resurrection? What would you tell the officials has been changed as a result of God’s gift of Christ’s raising from the dead?  Are you like Thomas, who needed to have an encounter with Chris that opened his mind and heart to believing?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

3/20/2016 Inviting Christ In. Palm Sunday

Sermon:           “Open the Gates and Let Christ In”

Theme:            Christ comes into our lives to open a new opportunity for righteousness and peace, if we will let go of our “inner Pharisees” and welcome the cleansing which will lead to our healing.

Purpose:          The congregation will welcome Christ’s presence to renew and open new avenues for healing.

Scriptures:       Luke 19:28-40 Jesus enters Jerusalem Triumphantly on a colt.

Philippians 2:5-11       Have the same mind that was in Christ, that he emptied himself, taking the form of a servant.


What does it mean to fully invite Jesus into our lives? What does submission to Jesus mean to us today? Do we really want to submit our grudges, our grievances, and our hurts to Jesus? How do we open ourselves to cleansing of the remainder from the anger and memories of the past? What does it mean to have the mind of Christ which is willing to suffer humility for the sake of peace? What difference is there between humility for Christ and making ourselves a target for further abuse?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

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