
Please click here to register for Bingo. A ZOOM link will be emailed to you.

New Member Class Information

Please click here to see the schedule and class descriptions.

Handout for Class 1 “The Bible” can be accessed here.

YouTube Video of Class 1 “The Bible” can be found here.

Audio of Class 1 “The Bible” can be found here.

Handout for Class 2 “Church History” can be accessed here.

YouTube Video of Class 2 “Church History” can be found here.

Audio of Class 2 “Church History” can be found here.

Handout to Class 3 “Welcome to Presbyterian-Land!” can be accessed here.

YouTube Video of Class 3 “Welcome to Presbyterian -Land!” can be accessed here.

Audio of Class 3 “Welcome to Presbyterian-land!” can be accessed here.

Congregational Mission Study

Please click here to review the schedule.

Please click here to view the initial presentation.

Please click here to view the Power Point “Who We Are”

Please click here to view the Power Point of survey results.

Please click here to view the 2-part Visioning Exercise Summary.

Please click here to view the Pastoral Attributes Summary.

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