August 25th, 2019
Sermon: I Believe in the resurrection and Judgment.
Theme: We believe in God’s justice and that our choices whether to follow Christ’s love or our own selfish ego determines whether we experience grace or an absence of God’s presence.
Purpose: To help the congregation understand judgment and responsibility as a part of our relationship with God and the world around us.
Scriptures: John 14:1-5, 25-27 Jesus offers peace to the disciples through the promise of the resurrection.
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 We do not grieve as those who have no hope.
Is there really a Hell? Will Jesus really send people to hell or is it like threatening to send us to bed without dinner? Does he judge us? Are there bigger sins than others? When we ask for forgiveness is our slate clean? Is there a way to hack in and see our score cards? What does it mean for us that we believe that some people are judged? Can we believe in righteousness and justice if we don’t believe in hell? How are people responsible for their own judgment? What does it mean to us that “hell” is the absence of the presence of God’s love?
Click HERE to listen to the message.