December 9th 2018 2nd Sunday of Advent
Sermon: Listening For Voices Proclaiming God’s Work
Theme: The people of God seek after messages of justice, mercy, and compassion in the midst of all of the surrounding noise.
Purpose: The congregation will take time to listen for God’s Word.
Scriptures: Malachi 3:1-4 The prophecy of the coming of Elijah – a voice in the wilderness.
Luke 3:1-6 John the Baptist comes bringing a message of repentance and healing.
What does it mean for us to prepare our hearts for Christ’s appearance? What needs to be refined and purified in order that we can welcome God’s work? In what ways are we attached to things that are not important or valuable? What is our struggle with welcoming God’s plan over our own desires and agenda? How do we prepare the way for Christ’s coming this year, as Christmas approaches? What are the low points that need to be filled in around us? What is missing from people’s relationships that make it hard for them to welcome reconciliation and peace?
Click HERE to listen to the message.