Sermon: “Change is the Only Constant”
Theme: We are always in process, and accept our partial understanding and growth as a part of our relationship with Christ.
Purpose: The congregation will understand and accept we are in a constant process of growing and change.
Scriptures: Romans 12:1-5 Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
Matthew 11:25-30 Wisdom comes from God, Jesus invites us to take his yoke and his burden.
What do we mean that we are reformed and reforming? What happens when faith does not have room to change and to adapt to the changes in the world around us? How do we know when to remain firm and when to be open to changes? How do we handle when some have let go of beliefs and perspectives that we still hold firmly? How does a strong relationship with Christ enable us to know when to be open to change? How does a weak relationship with Christ cause us to become stubborn and unwilling to recognize the changes happening around us?
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