10/01/2017 World Communion Sunday Peacemaking Offering and Communion

Sermon:            “United With All Who Serve God”

Theme:            We are one with all people who practice the righteousness of God’s love, humility, and grace.

Purpose:           The congregation will seek greater openness towards people of other cultures and styles of faith.

Scriptures:        Philippians 2:1-13       Christ emptied himself, taking the form of a servant and humbling himself.

Matthew 21:23-32      Faithfulness is to do the things that God commands us to do.


What does it mean to us to worship Christ who humbled himself and served others? Is it possible to know Christ without also practicing humility and service? What does serving do to our faith? Are we like the child who is obedient in speech but not in our actions? Or are we obedient to God in our service and humility? How do we learn real healthy humility?

Click HERE to listen to the message.


Sermon:           “Called to Share Forgiveness”

Theme:            We share a gift of forgiveness as we give forgiveness and enable others to know the peace of God in our words and actions.

Purpose:          The congregation will seek to intentionally practice forgiveness for others.

Scriptures:       Romans 14:1-12          We are in fellowship with one another to build one another up and to glorify God.

Matthew 18:21-35      The parable of the unforgiving servant and the king who forgave the accounts.


How does our lack of forgiveness affect our relationship with God? Can one be a Christian without learning forgiveness? How do we learn to forgive, especially in places where hurt runs deep? Does forgiveness leave others unpunished? What is the impact bitterness and unforgiveness on our relationship with those who are closest to us? In what ways does abusiveness and violence rise up out unforgiveness?  What forgiveness do we owe God and what has God forgiven us?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

09/10/2017 Back to two services

Sermon:           “Called to Heal”

Theme:            We are called to be joyfully healed as we take part in God’s work of bringing light and healing to the world.

Purpose:          The congregation will reflect upon our common call and practices as we serve Christ.

Scriptures:       Romans 13:8-14          Love one another, awaken and clothe yourselves with light.

Matthew 6:9-15          In prayer, love and offer forgiveness.



What difference does our prayer life make in our relationships? In what ways does connecting to God as our source of strength and supplying our needs free us to be loving and forgiving? How is it that anxiousness about the things we need causes us to be jealous, envious, and unforgiving?  In what ways are our selfishness and hostility causing us to miss out in the joy of relationships and healthy living? Are the myths of our own control and depending on our own strength robbing us of the fullness of what God would like to share with us?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

09/03/2017 9:00 AM (One Service) Labor Day Weekend Communion

Sermon:           “Being Ourselves, Being Christ”

Theme:            God created us to be in a relationship of serving and boldly giving ourselves so that we may be a part of God’s work.

Purpose:          The congregation will examine their own call to boldly follow Christ.

Scriptures:       Romans 12:9-21          Let love be Genuine, live peaceably with all.

Matthew 16:21-28      Jesus’ mission to sacrifice, those who seek to save their life will lose it.


What does it mean for us to “let love be genuine?” Are we able to be ourselves and to practice genuine love? Is it possible that our best self was designed to practice genuine love? What happens to our true self if we begin to practice and live a sacrificial faith? In what ways did the path the cross flow out of Jesus’ true self? How do we come to be ourselves and become Christlike in our relationships?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

8/27/2017 “Blame or Blameless” End of Sacred Cows Series

I hate to say it but the problem is you.

“Are you the sour milk”

Sermon:           “Are You the Sour Milk?”

Theme:            We have control over how we perceive and interact with the conflicts in which we are a part.

Purpose:          The congregation will take time for self-examination and seek to learn from the conflicts in which they have become involved.

Scriptures:       Ephesians 6:10-19       Put on the whole armor of God, we wrestle not with flesh and blood.

John 5:1-15     Do you want to be made well?



What does it mean that we do not “wrestle with flesh and blood” but with spiritual powers?  What are the spiritual powers with which we are wrestling today? What are the battles and conflicts that we have experienced repeatedly? How can we come to see our own role in the conflicts and problems that we face? How do we answer the question: “Do you want to be healed?” What is our role in coming to see differently and learn through times of conflict?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

8/20/2017 Conflict – An Opportunity for Growth LMPC Healing Worship Service

The Udder Side of Relationships

Sermon:           “The Ways We Learn and Grow”

Theme:            God’s people have always had to go through periods of working through their differences in order to grow and move forward.

Purpose:          The congregation will appreciate healing and recognize growth through the process in which we have been engaged.

Scriptures:       James 4:1-12   Where do these conflicts come from?  Do not speak evil against one another.

Matthew 18:15-20      If another member of the church sins against you.



In what ways have you grown spiritually through participating in the LMPC training and process? How have you come to see conflicts and disputes differently? What is the difference between seeking to “win” and seeking to grow in the love and knowledge of Christ Jesus? What is our mission in assisting those who are floundering in conflict and alienation in the world? In what ways to do we see working through differences and strong emotions to be a necessary part of growth?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

7/16/2017 Security Blankets and Good Luck Charms

“Milk it for all it’s worth”

Sermon:           “Insecurity and Security Blankets”

Theme:            Instead of creating “Sacred cows” we will find our security in the knowledge of God’s unending loving care for us.

Purpose:          The congregation will recognize their insecurities and begin to seek to set them aside.

Scriptures:        Romans 8:31-39          All things work together for those who are in Christ, if God is for us, who can be against us?

Matthew 14:22-36      Jesus walks on the water to the Disciples, who are struggling in the boat.  The people want to touch the fringe of his cloak.



How do we respond to the anxieties and fears that are with us over long periods of time? What roles do “good luck charms” and other attachments play in our lives? In what ways do we enable fears to dominate our lives? In what ways do we lack trust in God’s love or willingness to care for us? What are the ways in which we can remind ourselves that God’s love is with us? What can we do to break our dependence on superstitions and other crutches for dealing with anxiousness and fear? What is a healthy understanding of anxiousness and fear for Christians?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

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