Sept. 29 Worship Sermon

Guest Preacher: Chaplain Darren Beachy

Sermon title: The Pearl of Great Price

First Reading: Matthew 6:19-21

Second: Matthew 13:45-46

Abstract: Jesus cared about prioritizing. In light of the in- breaking kingdom, which is already here, we are forced to act. We are forced to determine what we must do to prepare for this new reality. What do we keep and what do we divest? Once we know that material goods will only collect rust or dust, and once we know that the only thing that counts is treasure in heaven, surely we must find a new way to live.

To listen please click here.

Adult Praise Team

Praise Team – Adults

The praise team sings/plays for our 10:30am service September thru May. This ministry includes singers, guitarists, drummers and keyboard players. Rehearsal time is determined by the team playing for the weekend. Contact: Kris Bartelt,

Kris Bartelt, Coordinator

Teen Praise Team

6th thru 12th Graders


Teen Praise Team – for young adults 6-12th grade.
Rehearsals are Sunday evening from 4 – 5:15pm starting September 14th. Youth interested in being musicians, singers, ushers, lectors or greeters are welcome. The youth will lead worship on the 3rd Sunday of the month at our 10:30am service. Co-Directors: Becky Frize, or Terri Wilke,

Handbell Choir

8th Grade thru Adult

Handbell Choir – 8th grade through adult.
This year we are expanding the age range for handbell ringers. Anyone from 8th grade on up who reads music is welcome to join our handbell choir. Practice is from 5:45-6:30 on Wednesday nights starting September 10th. The Bell choir rings once a month.

Joanne Marchionda, Director

Director: Joanne Marchionda,

Chancel Choir – Adult

Chancel Choir – Adult choir
This year we are looking at making a few minor changes to our “performance” with adding songs with the congregation, preludes and postludes (all good things). You don’t have to read music or be a perfect singer – just want to have fun and be a part of an amazing group of people.

Sunday, March 30, 2014 4th Sunday of Lent Emotional Courage

Sermon: “The Courage to Be Ourselves”
Theme: We grow in emotional courage as we learn to be shaped and molded by God’s Holy Spirit and Christ’s love.
Purpose: The congregation will explore the difference between holding fast to their own relationship with God and accepting others, as they are.
Scriptures: Ephesians 4:22-32 do not let the sun go down on your anger. be kind to one another.
John 14:18-27 I will not leave you orphaned, those who keep my commandments will show their love.


Click HERE to listen to message.


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