Sermon: “The Unseen Neighbor”
Theme: Those who have grown in faith and become wise will see those who are suffering and in need in their midst.
Purpose: The congregation will begin to seek to set aside personal issues so as to see the neighbors in need.
Scriptures: Romans 12:9-21 The Marks of a true Christian – love and forgiveness.
Luke 16:19-31 The Rich man and Lazarus, the knowledge of God means noticing our neighbors.
What is God’s expectation for our compassion and care for people who are less fortunate than ourselves? What difference does sympathy and generosity play in our relationship with God and with one another? Can we be healthy Christians if we don’t care about the needs of others? What does it mean to “extend hospitality to strangers?” What happens to us spiritually if we don’t develop the ability to be compassionate to others? What happens if we deepen our ability to care for others without fear or anxiousness about our own needs?
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