9/16/2018 The wisdom to sit still.
Sermon: “Real Faith: Choosing Our Words”
Theme: Faith calls us to respond to God’s call for caring rather than react to our own past issues or fears.
Purpose: The congregation will examine their reactive nature and seek to live compassionately.
Scriptures: James 3:1-12 Taming the tongue
Mark 8:27-38 If any want to become followers of Christ, let them take up their own cross.
What did Jesus mean when he told the people to take up their own cross and follow? What does it mean to us that we worship one who suffered on behalf of others? What difference does practicing the love of Christ make in the way we speak to, or about other people? How can we learn to be more thoughtful before responding to the issues and problems we face? What does James mean when he speaks of the tongue as a “restless evil, full of deadly poison?” Do we take seriously the dangers of the way in which we speak? Do we recognize how our language affects our relationship with God?
Click HERE to listen to the message.