09/10/2017 Back to two services
Sermon: “Called to Heal”
Theme: We are called to be joyfully healed as we take part in God’s work of bringing light and healing to the world.
Purpose: The congregation will reflect upon our common call and practices as we serve Christ.
Scriptures: Romans 13:8-14 Love one another, awaken and clothe yourselves with light.
Matthew 6:9-15 In prayer, love and offer forgiveness.
What difference does our prayer life make in our relationships? In what ways does connecting to God as our source of strength and supplying our needs free us to be loving and forgiving? How is it that anxiousness about the things we need causes us to be jealous, envious, and unforgiving? In what ways are our selfishness and hostility causing us to miss out in the joy of relationships and healthy living? Are the myths of our own control and depending on our own strength robbing us of the fullness of what God would like to share with us?
Click HERE to listen to the message.