May 6th, 2018 Communion Sunday

Sermon:           No Longer Servants – Now Friends

Theme:            We are chosen by Christ to be in a relationship of confidence and joy as we abide in love that overcomes all that we may face in the world.

Purpose:          The congregation will seek to learn confidence through practicing the love of Christ.

Scriptures:       1 John 5:1-6    Everyone who believes is born of God, and through Christ we conquer the world.

John 15:9-17   Jesus commands us to love one another and abide in that love.



What does Jesus mean when he says that he no longer calls us servants, but calls us friends? What does it mean to be a friend of Christ Jesus? In what ways does our understanding of what it means to be Christian change when we move from serving out of an obligation to living out a loving friendship?  How do we become full of the love that Jesus showed in offering forgiveness to the world so that we may be free from judgment, guilt, or fear? How does one develop a faith that enables us to lay our life down as servants of God?

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April 29, 2018

Sermon:           Strength Flows From Christ

Theme:            Our real source of strength and confidence flows from knowledge of God and love which that knowledge creates within our hearts.

Purpose:          The congregation will examine their source of strength and need to practice love in order to know confidence.

Scriptures:       1 John 4:7-21  There is no fear in love, we must love one another because God is love.

John 15:1-8     Jesus says: I am the true vine, abide in me.



What does Jesus mean when he says that he is the vine and we are the branches? How do we connect to God as our source for strength and wisdom? In what ways does God’s love flow through us in fellowship and mutual support for one another? What impact does judgement, bitterness, and resentment play in interfering with our strength and confidence? What is meant that “perfect love casts out fear?” How do we come to know and practice that perfect love?

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April 22, 2018 Chaplain Darren Beachy

The parables in Luke 15 are about noticing what is lost and going on a search to find it. Those of us with the most have the most to lose. Would we notice who or what is missing from that which we have? And if someone is missing, are you willing to do whatever it takes to get them back?

Scripture Readings

First reading: Luke 15:1-10

Second: Luke 15:11-16, 25-32

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April 8th, 2018 2nd Sunday of Easter.

Sermon:           “In Defense of Doubt”

Theme:            Our faith is shaped through walking with Christ and experiencing the living gift of God’s presence in our lives.

Purpose:          The congregation will open themselves to the experience of exploring faith and doubt.

Scriptures:       1 John 1:1-2:2 God is light, in him is no darkness, and we have fellowship through Jesus death and resurrection.

John 20:19-31 Jesus appears to the disciples and offers the Holy Spirit.


What role has doubt played in your own faith? In what ways has your faith changed and evolved in the course of your life? What would you want to share with someone who is in a time of transition or change in their faith?  What difference does fellowship with other Christians play in growing closer to God through doubt? How should we develop an attitude of exploration and curiosity that builds our faith?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

April 1st, 2018 Easter Sunday Communion

Sermon:           “This is Our Good News!”

Theme:            The resurrection is the message of God’s love and justice overcoming everything, including death so that we live in confidence and unending joy.

Purpose:          The congregation will embrace the meaning of the resurrection for their own life.

Scriptures:       1 Corinthians 15:1-11 The testimony of witnesses to the resurrection.

John 20:1-18   The story of the resurrection


What does the resurrection mean to us today? How can we live as those whose confidence comes from God’s victory over death and suffering? How do we put the challenges and problems that we and those whom we love face into a perspective that is shaped by the promise of the resurrection? What is God seeking to teach us in and through the resurrection in practical terms? What can we do to face the challenges we experience of death and suffering with confidence and peace?

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3/25/2018 Palm Sunday

Sermon:           “The Covenant of Peace”

Theme:            Real peace is found through developing strength of humility and mercy that comes from the full knowledge of the love of God.

Purpose:          The congregation will embrace the love and compassion of Jesus so as to know the fullness of God’s presence.

Scriptures:       Philippians 2:5-11       Have the same mind that was in Christ Jesus that he humbled himself.

Mark 11:1-11  Jesus enters Jerusalem riding a colt.


What does it mean to us to have the mind of Jesus Christ and his humility? How do we learn to practice humility when we are fearful of being abused or taken advantage of? What is the difference between humility and being weak? How do we use our own personal power and authority in gentleness and compassion? What practices enable us to think more highly of others? How do we put Christ first in our lives so that we are able to be raised by God rather than fighting for our own status or position?

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3/18/2018 5th Sunday of Lent

Theme:            God calls us to have the law of God written on our hearts through openness, love, and forgiveness.

Purpose:          The congregation will seek to learn understanding and forgiveness.

Scriptures:       John 12:20-33 Unless a grain dies, it will not bear fruit, but out of suffering comes our gift of salvation for the world.

Jeremiah 31:31-34      The Law of God, written upon the people’s hearts.

Practice:          Learning to be less anxious and reduce defensive reactions.


What does it mean to us to “Know the Lord?” How should the knowledge of God and love of Jesus Christ be reflected in our words and actions? In what ways is the covenant of practicing God’s love a challenge for our life every day? What can we choose as our current area to focus on practicing Jesus’ love in our relationships? What are some of the relationships in which that practice is most needed today?  What difference will this practice make in our lives?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

3/4/2018 3rd Sunday of Lent Covenant of God’s Law, Communion

Sermon:           “The Gift of Covenant Law”

Theme:            God gave the gift of law that creates boundaries and instructs us in righteousness so that we may learn how to be gracious and loving with one another.

Purpose:          The congregation will reflect on their own commitment to do what is right to all people.

Scriptures:       John 2:13-22   Jesus drives out the moneychangers and proclaims call for faithfulness to God.

Exodus 20:1-17           God gives the law to the people at Mount Sanai.

Practice:          Commitment to our personal mission and purpose.



What does it mean to us that the law that governs our life comes from God? In what ways does a lack of belief or trust in authority affect people’s lives? How does our attitude towards the laws of God give us the confidence to be healthy in our relationship with God and with the people around us? In what ways are we changed by our knowledge that God’s commandments will sustain us and be our source for wisdom and joy?  In what ways do we need to focus on our relationship with God in the law and less to legalism or self-justification?

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February 25, 2018 2nd Sunday of Lent Covenant with Abram and Sarai

Sermon:           “If We Are Ready to Follow, Then…”

Theme:            God calls us to fulfillment and purpose through using the gifts and abilities we have entrusted to be in meaningful relationships.

Purpose:          The congregation will examine and consider their call to meaningful relationships and healing.

Scriptures:       Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16 The covenant with Abram and Sarai.

Mark 8:31-38  If any want to follow Christ, they must take up their own cross.

Practice:          Confession and recognition of what our regrets.



What does it mean to us to be willing to take up our own cross and follow Jesus? In what ways does seeking to have control and stability cause us to lose our meaning in life? In what ways do the risks of faithfulness lead to lasting meaningful relationships? In what ways do the strengths to admit our guilt and errors lead us to be able to move forward in our relationship with God, other people, and sense of our own value? In what ways does our own growth in wisdom, self-differentiation, and spiritual maturity become a gift to the people around us?

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February 18, 2018 1st Sunday of Lent Covenant with Noah

Sermon:           God’s Promises and Love.

Theme:            God’s love is for all people, and God’s desire is for everyone to be reconciled.

Purpose:          The congregation will seek to practice love, even for those who are different and often seen as enemies.

Scriptures:       Genesis 9:8-17 The sign of the rainbow as a covenant of grace.

Mark 1:9-15    Jesus is baptized and God bestows his blessing of love, as Jesus seeks to fulfill his work.

Practice:          Offering blessings and acknowledging the needs of others.



What difference is there for us that Jesus was affirmed as the “Beloved Son” in whom God is well pleased? What does God speak over us? In what ways do we receive the gift of God’s covenant that all is for our benefit and healing? How can we practice blessing others and recognizing them as in the process of growing in God’s image? How do we get out of seeing people as “problems” or focusing on faults and instead see others as beloved children of God?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

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