3/12/2017 “Being Born from Above”

Sermon:           “Being Born from Above”

Theme:            Jesus invites us to be in a relationship with God through which we are renewed and transformed by submitting our heart to God.

Purpose:          The congregation will seek to know Christ through submission and obedience to God.

Scriptures:       Genesis 12:1-4 God calls Abram to a covenant to follow faithfully.

John 3:1-17     The story of Nicodemus, you must be born from above.



What does it mean for us to be “reborn from above?”  What is required that we be born by the power of the Holy Spirit and the grace of God? In what ways are we trying to change our lives by our own willpower and self-determination rather than to open ourselves to being born from above? How do we see ourselves needing to be like Abram, ready to leave behind the old life and live out of our trust in God? Why do we like Nicodemus struggle with the idea of God acting in our lives today?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

3/5/2017 Communion Sunday

Sermon:           “Sin Came Into the World”

Theme:            God created us with the capacity to choose good or evil, and through that choice we needed to be healed by the gift of Jesus’ sacrificial love.

Purpose:          The congregation will recognize sin in their lives and how they have chosen evil.

Scriptures:       Genesis 2:15-27; 3:1-7            The Lord commanded not to eat of the Tree

Romans 5:12-19          Grace and mercy came to us through Jesus of Nazareth;



What does it mean for us to sin? What is the affect that our choices have upon our lives? Should we be focusing on feeling guilty or should we focus on what we lose through our sin? What is the purpose of obedience? What impact does God’s mercy really have on our lives? How much of this is about punishment and how much is about living the fullness of life that God has for us?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

2/26/2017 End of 1st Corinthians Series

Sermon:           “Commissioned to Proclaim Christ”

Theme:            Our identity and purpose flows from our call to share the news that God’s love was shown in the forgiveness of Christ Jesus and the compassion that seeks to heal all of the world.

Purpose:          The congregation will reflect upon their identity in Christ and call to live that identity.

Scriptures:       Matthew 28:16-20      The great Commission to proclaim the gospel.

1 Corinthians 15:1-11 The Apostle Paul affirms the death and resurrection of Christ and his commission.



What is the Good News that we have for the world today? In the midst of the hostility, and injustice, and fear of the world today, what difference does Jesus’ death and resurrection make? What difference does the resurrection make to us? What is our commission from Christ? How do we “proclaim” Jesus’ forgiveness and make disciples of the world around us? Is making disciples our job or are we just to support people who do make disciples? How can we fully know Christ if we aren’t a part of sharing and proclaiming Jesus’ forgiveness and healing?

Click HERE to listen to the message.


Sermon:           “When We Fail to Be the Body of Christ”

Theme:            We will review what it means to worship in the love and compassion of Christ and how that calls us to practice our love for one another and for the world in the sacraments.

Purpose:          The congregation will examine their need to forgive, love, and accept one another in order to be right with God.

Scriptures:       John 13:12-20 Jesus washes the disciple’s feet and calls them to serve one another.

1 Corinthians 11:17-26   Paul corrects the Corinthian people in their practice of the Lord’s supper.



How does the Holy Spirit move us to think and feel differently about our brothers and sisters in Christ? What happens that causes us to hold onto divisions and grudges, and to be resistant to forgiving? In what ways does our lack of forgiveness affect the others in the body of Christ? In what ways does our tendency to be judgmental and intractable interfere with the life of the church? In what ways does seeing ourselves as servants for one another causes us to be restored in love and fellowship together?

Click HERE to listen to the message.


Sermon:           How We are Called to Love

Theme:            God calls us to practice love that is founded on a commitment to humbly share God’s compassion and grace with all people.

Purpose:          The congregation will put love into practice, caring for one another with humility forgiveness, as they serve God.

Scriptures:       John 15:1-17   Jesus is the vine, and we are branches; we are commanded to love one another.

1 Corinthians 13:1-13 The Apostle Paul describes the gift of love.



In what ways is the love that the Apostle Paul describes different from what is popularly thought of as being love? In what ways is humility a necessary part of the capacity to love as God calls us to love? How does the love that Paul describes reflect the type of love that God gives to us? In what ways do we need to be in Christ so that we may share this meaningful and powerful love? How do we practice this type of love? In what ways does this love move us away from “feelings” and emotions and move us to a commitment to be Christ-like?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

February 5, 2017 Communion

February 5, 2017  Communion


Pastor Sam Hamilton-Poore, will be preaching.  Pastor Hamilton-Poore is an “At large” pastor in Winnebago Presbytery (not currently serving a congregation) who has published works in spiritual development and spiritual practices.

Passages:  Isaiah 58:1-12,  Matthew 5:13-20

Sermon:  “Then Your Light Will Shine”

Click HERE to listen to the message.


Sermon:           “Many Parts, One Body”

Theme:            Through humility we can bring together our varieties of gifts in the power of God’s Holy Spirit.

Purpose:          The congregation will value our unity and strength that comes through humility and love.

Scriptures:       Luke 9:46-50   Who is greatest in the kingdom of God, whoever is not against you is for you.

1 Corinthians 12:12-31           The various parts of the body of Christ and gifts we use.


What does it mean to us in practical terms that there are a variety of gifts, but one Holy Spirit? Do we see ourselves as gifted? Do we recognize that our gifts are in the service of the one body? Why is it that so many times there are arguments and divisions among Christians? What does it mean to humble ourselves and place ourselves in the service of Christ? What does it mean to us that anyone who does not oppose us is for us?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

January 22, 2017

Sermon:           “One Body, Many Parts”

Theme:            God created us with many different perspectives, gifts, and capabilities so that we may be in fellowship together.

Purpose:          The congregation will seek to grow in love and acceptance of one another.

Scriptures:       John 14:15-26 Jesus will not leave us orphaned but sends the Holy Spirit to be our advocate.

1 Corinthians 12:1-11 There are varieties of gifts but one Holy Spirit.



What is meant by “Spiritual gifts?” Do we all have special gifts and abilities that are given to us by God? How do we access and use these gifts? Does this mean we have supernatural powers or is this a way that God works through us? What is the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives? How do we put this power and role of the Holy Spirit into perspective for us?

Click HERE to listen to the message.


Sermon:           “To Know Only Christ, and Him Crucified”

Theme:            Our foundation for our faith is that Christ sacrificed himself, which calls us to a wisdom of love and compassion.

Purpose:          The congregation will learn and grow in the wisdom of Christ.

Scriptures:       Luke 7:24-35   Jesus compares the wisdom of John the Baptist with the wisdom of the religious teachers.

1 Corinthians 2:1-13   The Apostle Paul speaks of the wisdom of knowing Christ, and him crucified.



What does it mean to only know Christ, and him crucified? What difference does it make to us that we worship the God who was crucified? What does it mean for our humility and judgment that our model is Christ who was willing to suffer for people who did not deserve his love and grace? What becomes our source for our identity and self-esteem as Christians? What enables us to be ourselves in the midst of the expectations of others?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

1/8/2017 Epiphany Sunday (Baptism of the Lord)

Sermon:           “A Light For All of the World”

Theme:            We place conditions on our grace and compassion that sell short God’s love and grace and cause us to be confused about what God is doing in the world around us.

Purpose:          The congregation will reconsider prejudices and attitudes towards people who are different from ourselves.

Scriptures:       Isaiah 42:1-9    God has given us a light to open the eyes of the blind and free the captives

Acts 10:34-43  God’s message of healing is for all nations and all people.



What prejudices do we suffer because of our narrow perspective and lack of understanding of what God is doing in the world around us? How should we relate to people that are different from ourselves?  In what ways do we tend to discount people of other cultures or backgrounds? What happens when we are not open to people who are different from ourselves? What do we lose as a part of the body of Christ? In what ways do our anxieties and fears of the world come out of a lack of understanding of those who are different form ourselves?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

December 18th, 2016 “Such a Small Thing”

10:30 service will be the Cantata

8:00 Service:

Sermon:           “Such a Small Thing”

Theme:            Out of the smallest thing, a newborn baby, God acted to change all of creation so that we may experience God with us.

Purpose:          The congregation will see the birth of Jesus as God’s way of bringing healing in the world rather than programs, force, or other “big solutions.”

Scriptures:       Isaiah 7:10-16  Unto you a son shall be born, as a sign of God’s provision of care.

Matthew 1:18-25        The birth of Jesus, fulfilling the prophecy of God.



Why is the sign that is given for God’s action in the world the birth of a baby? In what ways is a baby a meaningful sign of God’s redeeming work? What difference should it make to us that God worked through people who would normally have no power or influence? What does this say about the way God brings healing to the world? In what ways is it important that the promise to Joseph begins with “do not be afraid?”  How do we adjust our thinking around God’s way of bringing healing to the world?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

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