Sunday, November 30, 2014 First Sunday of Advent (year B) “We Proclaim the Light that Is Coming”

Sermon: “The Light Will Come”
Theme: Among people struggling and encountering darkness we proclaim good news of God’s healing light.
Purpose: To motivate the congregation to share Christ’s light in the midst of all of the busy Christmas season.
Scriptures: Mark 13:24-37 Powers are broken and chaos take place as a part of the work of God.
Isaiah 60:1-6 Light has come and will shine for the nations.

How do we open ourselves to Christ’s light in the dark places of our lives? What is the light that we are craving will dawn upon us? How might we become light in the midst of the darkness that others are feeling in their lives? How do we begin to prepare ourselves for the coming of Christ? How do we let go of our expectations of the way things should be and our disappointments in the way things are?

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Sunday, October 26, 2014 Living the Life of Generosity

Sermon: “Learning to Live the Good Life”

Theme: The life of those who are generous is a good life, and fills us with all of the things that many seek to gain through wealth, ego, or other means.

Purpose: The congregation will see that great wealth and joy is found through deepening our relationship with Christ.

Scriptures: Matthew 6:19-24  Do not store up treasures in heaven

Proverbs 3:1 Never let loyalty & kindness get away from you…..

Prov3:27 Do not withhold good…if you can help now.

Prov. 31:8-9 Speak up for…the destitute….Defend the poor and needy.

Questions: What do we have that is of real value to us (our health, our family, joy and appreciation)? Is it something that a price can be placed on? What are the good investments for our time and life? What are the things that we pursue with our energy and health? What does it take to make our treasure our relationship with Christ? How do we change our focus so that we may become generous and compassionate people? What does it mean to be generous people? Why are some people so joyful and generous?

Click HERE to listen.

October 19, 2014 “How the Wise Use Their Money”

Sermon: “Wisdom and Money”
Theme: Those who are wise submit their hearts and finances to God, drawing their strength from Christ’s love.
Purpose: To focus on the need to find maturity in Christ as a way of living in joy rather than off our purchases or consumptions.
Scriptures: Proverbs 3:28 Do not withhold good when you can act.
Ecclesiastes 5:10-20 Love of money does not bring happiness.

What is our relationship with our wealth? Does wealth make us happier? How does our financial circumstance affect our spiritual life? How does it affect our way of seeing ourselves? In what ways is managing our money an essential part of wisdom? Is there a way in which wisdom teaches us to have a different point of view or attitude towards money? What does it mean to be wealthy?

Click HERE to listen to the Sermon.

Sunday, October 12, 2014 Parents and Children.

Sermon: Wise Parenting
Theme: Those who are wise give instruction and teach their children so that they may grow healthy faith in God.
Purpose: To encourage parents to teach and share faith with their children.
Scriptures: Proverbs 13:24 Spare the rod, spoil the child.
Luke 18:15-17 Jesus blesses the children.
Deuteronomy 6:4-9 Command to love the Lord your God and teach the children.

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October 05, 2014 How We Choose to See The World. World Communion Sunday,

We will be Receiving the Peacemaking Offering
Sermon: “The Wisdom of Being Aware of Ourselves”
Theme: Those who are wise seek to see themselves in a healthy perspective which is in relationship with God and with the world.
Purpose: The congregation will reflect upon their own perspective and self-awareness.
Psalm 8:1-9 How majestic is Your Name over all of the earth.
Luke 9:46-56 Whoever is not against us is for us, Jesus rebukes the disciples for their judgment.

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September 28, 2014 The Way of The Wise; The Way of the Wicked

Sermon: Righteousness and Unrighteousness
Theme: God shows us that we are capable of good and evil, so that we may recognize our weakness and be open to being challenged to grow.
Purpose: The congregation will become more aware of their own capabilities for self-justification and holding onto hostility in order to avoid confronting the evil within.
Scriptures: 1 Corinthians 1:17-31 The wisdom of God is foolishness to the world.
Psalm 37:1-11 Do not become upset by the ways of the wicked.
Proverbs 3:31 Do not envy a violent man.

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September 14, 2014 The Source of Wisdom.

Sermon: Wisdom, Our Source for Life
Theme: We search for wisdom as the means to be fully alive and joyful.
Purpose: The congregation will understand the need to seek wisdom and desire to grow.
Proverbs 2:1-11 Wisdom comes from the mouth of God.
Mark 6:1-6 Jesus teaches and they wonder where his wisdom came from.

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September 7, 2014 Time to Get Started

Sermon: “Time to Get Started”
Theme: Discipleship is the path to wholeness and joy, but requires the ongoing commitment that requires sacrifices of our ego that opens the door to growing.
Purpose: The congregation will recognize the need to shift from focusing on their negativity and instead surrender to the gift of God’s renewal.
Scriptures: Luke 9:57-62 – Those who were going to follow but were not ready to pay the cost.
Romans 13:8-14 Owe no one except to love one another; wake from sleep.
What difference does it make if we are disciples? What is it that we really want out of our relationship with Christ? Why is it that many do not see a benefit of being a Christian? What is the relationship between sacrifice and spiritual growth? How is it that many of us seem to encounter the same issues and challenges repeatedly? What can we do to move forward and actually encounter God’s presence in our lives? What can we do to make today different from the past?

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August 31, 2014 “Welcoming the Unwelcome Guest”

Sermon: “Welcoming the Unwelcome”
Theme: As we see Christ in others it transforms us into the body of Christ that can heal and transform others.
Purpose: To bring the series to a close with a commitment to be a body of Christ who practice love and hospitality with all people.
Scriptures: Luke 15:1-10 Jesus was eating with sinners and tax collectors, rejoicing in salvation.
2 Corinthians 5:16-21 We no longer regard anyone from a human point of view.

What are we really willing to sacrifice in order to extend hospitality? What difference it really make when we offer hospitality, especially in challenging situations? In what ways was Jesus an “unwelcome guest?” In what ways is Jesus too demanding? In what ways does Christianity expect too much of us? How do we grow to where we can joyfully and lovingly offer hospitality, even when it is a sacrifice? How does growing in the ability to be gracious, welcoming, and kind change us as a church? In what ways does it change our ability to share Christ’s love with the world?


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August 24, 2014 “Christ Like Hospitality”

Sermon: “A Sacrifice of Hospitality”
Theme: Maturity in Christ draws us into seeing other’s needs and to make sacrifices on their behalf.
Purpose: The congregation will seek to set aside their “rights” and “privileges” in order to share Christ.
Scriptures: Matthew 10:40-42 Whoever welcomes you welcomes me.
1 Corinthians 9:19-23 To the Gentiles I became a gentile – all for the gospel.

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