04/26/2020 Third Sunday of Easter

Our Sunday YouTube worship video can be found by clicking HERE.  We encourage you to subscribe to the First Presbyterian Church of Fond du Lac’s YouTube channel. A bulletin is also available for the service by clicking this LINK.

Click HERE for the podcast.

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04/22/2020 Midweek Worship

04/22/2020     Midweek        

We have a Wednesday Podcast, continuing our Wednesday evening worship experiences. The Podcast can be reached at this LINK.  There is also a bulletin for the Podcast which can be reached HERE.

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04/19/2020 Second Sunday of Easter

Our Sunday YouTube worship video can be found by clicking HERE.  We encourage you to subscribe to the First Presbyterian Church of Fond du Lac’s YouTube channel.

A bulletin is also available for the service by clicking this LINK.

Our Sunday Morning Audio Podcast can be reached by clicking HERE.

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12/24/2017  Fourth Sunday of Advent   One Service 9:00 AM  

Sermon:  “Everything is Different Today”

Theme:    To receive the message of Christ’s presence we need to allow Jesus to change us and enable us to take part in changing the world.

Purpose:  The congregation will be open to the power of God’s love transforming us and the world.

Scriptures:   Titus 3:4-7 Christ saved us through his mercy and transforms us.

John 1:1-14 In the beginning was the Word – Jesus is the light of the world.


Do we see Christ in the light of Advent or are we focusing on the glitter and distractions of the season? As Advent comes to a close are we preparing our hearts for something new and transforming? What would we like to receive in our hearts for this Christmas? What would we like to experience in terms of healing or release with the coming of Christ? What parts of our lives have continued to be in darkness that have been waiting for the light to come? Can we share the light of Christ with someone who is particularly in need of hope, encouragement, or love?

Click HERE to listen to the message.


12/17/2017 Third Sunday of Advent  Christmas Cantata 2nd Service

Sermon:  “The Power of Light Over Darkness”

Theme:  We participate in the light of Christ that overwhelms and transforms the world, a power that is greater than we can imagine.

Purpose: We learn to be part of the light rather than focus on what we can do ourselves.


Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, the Lord loves justice and shall bring righteousness upon the earth.

John 1:6-8, 19-28 John testified to the light, and his message was a message of hope and judgment.


Do we welcome the gift of light in the midst of our darkness or are we preferring to keep our eyes closed and stay asleep? What do we need to release and put to an end in order to be healthy and joyful in this Advent season? What is Christ inviting us to rebuild or set aside? Have was come to appreciate the light of Christ or are we hoping to keep things pretty much as they were before? Have we accepted the authority of God’s instruction or are we hoping to keep God in the role of an advisor, making suggestions rather than instructions?  What is God inviting us to begin doing or changing in this Advent season?

Click HERE to listen to the message.


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