June 24th, 2018

Sermon:           “Love Your Neighbor, Love Yourself”

Theme:            God invites us to relationships free of insecurity and grievances so that we may be healthy and joyful together.

Purpose:          We will examine the way in which we look down upon others and see the need for forgiveness in ourselves.

Scriptures:       Galatians 5:13-16        Love your neighbor, do not devour one another.

Mark 12:28-44 The greatest commandment – love your neighbor as yourself.


What does it mean to love God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength? In what ways does our love for God set us free from fears about the world and situations we encounter? How are holding onto past offenses and grievances a lack of trust in God’s ability to provide for us? What causes us to become bitter and resentful towards others? How does that affect our love for ourselves? What impact does our thoughts of resentment and attacking others have upon our ability to feel secure and at peace?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

June 17th, 2018, Father’s Day, Commissioning of Mission Volunteers

Sermon:           “Being Neighborly”

Theme:            We have to choose between practicing the love of Christ or giving into our fears towards the people around us.

Purpose:          The congregation will explore their anxieties and fears about the relationships in their lives.

Scriptures:       Romans 12:9-21          The character of love.

Matthew 22:34-40      You shall love the Lord your God, You shall love your neighbor as yourself.


What is genuine love?  How does our love for the people around us influence our relationship with God? In what ways does the way in which we relate to the neighbors with whom we are less comfortable make an impact on our relationship with Christ? How does our experience of God’s love and grace cause us to be less reactive and judgmental towards our neighbors?  What do we receive from learning greater compassion and grace?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

June 10th, 2018

Sermon:           “Who is My Neighbor”

Theme:            Faithfulness to God is not in religiosity but in compassion and care for those who are around us.

Purpose:          The congregation will become aware of the needs of the people who are around them, take time to consider the needs of those who are near them.

Scriptures: Leviticus 19:9-16, 33 Commandments regarding care for others.

Luke 10:25-37 Parable of the Good Samaritan



How does the law from Leviticus about providing for those who have less influence apply to us today? What is expected from us in terms of showing compassion and care towards others? Who are we responsible to show mercy and compassion? What difference does it make to our relationship with God for us to be compassionate and merciful? What difference does it make in our experience of the fears and anxiousness towards what is uncertain in the world around us?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

06/03/2018 Education Sunday, Communion, recognition of 20th anniversary of moving into the church building.

Sermon:           “Treasures in Clay Jars”

Theme:            The people of God have within them the precious and powerful gift of God’s love and presence.

Purpose:          The congregation will examine what is really important in their lives.

Scriptures:       2 Corinthians 4:5-12   We are treasures in clay jars.

Mark 2:23-3:6 The sabbath was made to serve humanity – God’s law is to bring healing and salvation.


What do we consider precious to us? In what ways do things serve us? In what ways do we find ourselves worshipping things? What is our relationship with the building that is the church? In what ways do we need to see Christ’s love and presence as something greater than things? How are we able to put our traditions and customs into service to God rather than sacrificing relationships to things that are not important?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

5/27/2018 Memorial Day Weekend (back to one service)

Sermon:           “The Water and the Spirit”

Theme:            The people of God are empowered by a relationship with God that is in community with one another as God is in community within God’s self.

Purpose:          The congregation will examine their relationships with one another.

Scriptures:       Isaiah 6:1-8      Isaiah is called – “Here I am, Send me”

John 3:1-17     Jesus speaks with Nicodemus about the Water and the Spirit.



What difference does the Trinity make to us? What does it mean to us that God is in community within God’s self? How do we draw from the presence of God within us to be in relationships with one another and with the world? In what ways do we fail to participate in the fullness of God’s presence and power in our attempts to care for the world? How do we celebrate and live in the relationships of being God’s beloved people, abiding with Christ in the world?

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5/20/2018 Pentecost 8:00 AM Baptism, DOVES for 10:30 Service.

Sermon:           “The Spirit of God Gives Life”

Theme:            Our strength, inspiration, and power comes from the power of the Holy Spirit.

Purpose:          The congregation will seek to be empowered by the presence of the Holy Spirit and God’s love.

Scriptures:       Ezekiel 37:1-14            The valley of dry bones and Spirit of God.

Acts 2:1-21      The Holy Spirit comes down on the disciples, enabling to speak in languages.



What does Pentecost mean to us today? How do we allow the Holy Spirit to move and energize us? What causes us to be resistant to allowing the Holy Spirit to act and be creative in our midst? What does it mean today to have the dry bones of our failed efforts to come alive as a mighty force for God’s work? What is needed so that we may be faithful in using our gifts and abilities to serve Christ as the people of God?

Click HERE to listen to the message.


Sermon:           “Strangers in a Strange Land”

Theme:            God calls us to be in the world but not emotionally or spiritually invested in the values of the world.

Purpose:          The congregation will evaluate their priorities and attachments.

Scriptures:       1 John 5:9-13  Whoever has the Son has life – this is our testimony from God.

John 17:6-19   We belong to Christ and are not of the world.



What are the things to which we become emotionally attached? In what ways do those attachments affect our relationship with Christ and with other Christians? What are the things that we make more important than God in our life? How do we learn to put things in a healthy perspective? How do we find the humility to put our relationships with Christ and those Christ has placed in our lives above our own need for control and the things that we begin to make overly important in our minds?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

May 6th, 2018 Communion Sunday

Sermon:           No Longer Servants – Now Friends

Theme:            We are chosen by Christ to be in a relationship of confidence and joy as we abide in love that overcomes all that we may face in the world.

Purpose:          The congregation will seek to learn confidence through practicing the love of Christ.

Scriptures:       1 John 5:1-6    Everyone who believes is born of God, and through Christ we conquer the world.

John 15:9-17   Jesus commands us to love one another and abide in that love.



What does Jesus mean when he says that he no longer calls us servants, but calls us friends? What does it mean to be a friend of Christ Jesus? In what ways does our understanding of what it means to be Christian change when we move from serving out of an obligation to living out a loving friendship?  How do we become full of the love that Jesus showed in offering forgiveness to the world so that we may be free from judgment, guilt, or fear? How does one develop a faith that enables us to lay our life down as servants of God?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

April 29, 2018

Sermon:           Strength Flows From Christ

Theme:            Our real source of strength and confidence flows from knowledge of God and love which that knowledge creates within our hearts.

Purpose:          The congregation will examine their source of strength and need to practice love in order to know confidence.

Scriptures:       1 John 4:7-21  There is no fear in love, we must love one another because God is love.

John 15:1-8     Jesus says: I am the true vine, abide in me.



What does Jesus mean when he says that he is the vine and we are the branches? How do we connect to God as our source for strength and wisdom? In what ways does God’s love flow through us in fellowship and mutual support for one another? What impact does judgement, bitterness, and resentment play in interfering with our strength and confidence? What is meant that “perfect love casts out fear?” How do we come to know and practice that perfect love?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

April 22, 2018 Chaplain Darren Beachy

The parables in Luke 15 are about noticing what is lost and going on a search to find it. Those of us with the most have the most to lose. Would we notice who or what is missing from that which we have? And if someone is missing, are you willing to do whatever it takes to get them back?

Scripture Readings

First reading: Luke 15:1-10

Second: Luke 15:11-16, 25-32

Click here to listen 180422_001

April 8th, 2018 2nd Sunday of Easter.

Sermon:           “In Defense of Doubt”

Theme:            Our faith is shaped through walking with Christ and experiencing the living gift of God’s presence in our lives.

Purpose:          The congregation will open themselves to the experience of exploring faith and doubt.

Scriptures:       1 John 1:1-2:2 God is light, in him is no darkness, and we have fellowship through Jesus death and resurrection.

John 20:19-31 Jesus appears to the disciples and offers the Holy Spirit.


What role has doubt played in your own faith? In what ways has your faith changed and evolved in the course of your life? What would you want to share with someone who is in a time of transition or change in their faith?  What difference does fellowship with other Christians play in growing closer to God through doubt? How should we develop an attitude of exploration and curiosity that builds our faith?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

April 1st, 2018 Easter Sunday Communion

Sermon:           “This is Our Good News!”

Theme:            The resurrection is the message of God’s love and justice overcoming everything, including death so that we live in confidence and unending joy.

Purpose:          The congregation will embrace the meaning of the resurrection for their own life.

Scriptures:       1 Corinthians 15:1-11 The testimony of witnesses to the resurrection.

John 20:1-18   The story of the resurrection


What does the resurrection mean to us today? How can we live as those whose confidence comes from God’s victory over death and suffering? How do we put the challenges and problems that we and those whom we love face into a perspective that is shaped by the promise of the resurrection? What is God seeking to teach us in and through the resurrection in practical terms? What can we do to face the challenges we experience of death and suffering with confidence and peace?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

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