January 31st, 2016 The Priesthood of All Believers Annual Congregational Meeting
Sermon: The Priesthood of All Believers
Theme: We are all called to share of what God has given us of the knowledge of God, and we are all called to serve God using our gifts and abilities.
Purpose: The congregation will understand that we are all ministers in the service of Jesus Christ.
Scriptures: 1 Peter 2:1-10 You are a royal priesthood – built of the same stones and temple.
John 15:1-17 I am the true vine, you are the branches; you must love one another.
What do we mean by a “Priesthood of all believers?” What difference does that make in terms of how we accomplish Christ’s ministry in the church? How do we fulfill our priesthood? What role does maturity and growth in the knowledge of Christ play in our ability to fulfill our purpose as those who serve Christ? What does it mean for us when we take our membership vow to “Promise to give of ourselves in every way?” What happens our faith and ability be in healthy relationships if we cease to see ourselves as one among many doing Christ ministry? In what ways do we see ourselves as privileged with the ability to serve rather than obligated?
Click here to listen to the message: The Priesthood of All Believers