11/8/2015 Ears that Listen

Sermon: “Christians (Having Received the Word)

Theme: We have heard the word and now seek to live it faithfully as the Body of Christ in fellowship with one another.

Purpose: The congregation will commit itself to living as Christ calls us to live.

Acts 11:19-30 The name “Christian” is first given to people who followed the example of the Anointed one.
John 13:33-35 By your love, everyone will know that you are followers of Christ.

What does it mean to be Christ-like? Do we raise to the measure of being people who are seen for our love for one another and for all of the world? Do we show that we have received God’s word by our love? What do people think of when they hear about Christians? Why are some who claim to be Christian so prone to be resentful, hostile, and negative? How do we reclaim the meaning of the word Christian from those who have caused it to be associated with judgmentalism and hypocrisy?

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11/1/2015 Heart Communion

Sermon:           “They Will Know We Are Christians By Our Love”

Theme:            The measure of the health and nature of the Body of Christ is love above all else.

Purpose:          The congregation will affirm the need to practice our love of Christ.

Scriptures:       1 Corinthians 13          Love is patient, love is kind, love does not seek its own way.

Matthew 25:34-40      Then the king will say, “When I was hungry you fed me…”



As the Body of Christ, in what ways are we demonstrating that we are Christians? How do we stand against the definition of love given in 1 Corinthians 13? Are we arrogant, boastful, and rude? Or are we patient, kind, loving, and willing to accept each other? Is our love in practice so that we will stand the test of Matthew 25 (feeding the hungry, giving drink to the thirsty, visiting the stranger, the prisoner, and those who are alone)?  Do we take the command to love as our first and most important assignment as the body of Christ?


11/8/2015       Ears that Listen

Sermon:           “Christians (Having Received the Word)

Theme:            We have heard the word and now seek to live it faithfully as the Body of Christ in fellowship with one another.

Purpose           The congregation will commit itself to living as Christ calls us to live.


Acts 11:19-30  The name “Christian” is first given to people who followed the example of the Anointed one.

John 13:33-35  By your love, everyone will know that you are followers of Christ.

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10/25/2015 Foot (Humbly going to others)

Sermon: “Running to Share Christ’s Peace”

Theme: We are equipped to take peace to people who are troubled and afraid, in need of peace.

Purpose: The congregation will become aware of the need to carry Christ to people who are struggling with conflict and fear.

Scriptures: Isaiah 52:7-10 How beautiful are the feet of the messenger who announces peace and brings the gospel.
Ephesians 6:10-18 For shoes, put on what will make you ready to share the gospel of peace.
Are we enthusiastic to serve by sharing God’s word and peace? Are we more interested in being the center of attention and being noticed or are we more invested in seeing that the message gets to people who are struggling and in need? How do we become more invested in sharing the love of Christ than in our own status or significance? How do we deal with those who are more concerned about their personal importance than about being a part of serving Christ? In what ways is humility necessary for reaching out in love? How do we learn and grow to share that humility together?

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10/18/2015 Brain (What You Think About)

Sermon: “Thinking for Peace”

Theme: We have to choose to direct our mind and thoughts towards forgiveness and peace.

Purpose: The congregation will pay attention to their thoughts and focus towards peace.

Scriptures: 1 Corinthians 1:18-31 Wisdom that comes from God versus wisdom of the world.
James 3:13-18 The wisdom of God is peaceable and gentle.

How do we share the wisdom of our relationship with God, especially in a world that is oriented around a completely different set of values? In what ways does being wise and understanding as Christians put us out of step with people whose values are oriented around personal gain or self-importance? Are there ways in which we try and compromise, holding onto the wisdom of personal gain and self-importance, while still trying to live by the wisdom of holiness and relationship with Christ? How do we develop the humble wisdom of living in Christ?

10/25/2015 Foot (Humbly going to others)
Sermon: “Running to Share Christ’s Peace”
Theme: We are equipped to take peace to people who are troubled and afraid, in need of peace.
Purpose: The congregation will become aware of the need to carry Christ to people who are struggling with conflict and fear.
Scriptures: Isaiah 52:7-10 How beautiful are the feet of the messenger who announces peace and brings the gospel.
Ephesians 6:10-18 For shoes, put on what will make you ready to share the gospel of peace.

Click HERE to listen to the message.

10/11/2015 Tongue (What comes out of our Mouths)

Sermon: “Consider Before You Speak”
Theme: The manner in which we control our speech is the clearest and most significant sign of spiritual growth.
Purpose: The congregation will seek to be sensitive to what they choose to say.
Scriptures: Matthew 15:3-13 It is not what goes into the mouth that defiles but that which comes out.
James 3:2-13 The tongue is a powerful member, and can do good or harm.

How do we manage our communications as the body of Christ? In what ways does our manner of speaking to one another affect the way people see the body of Christ? In what ways has rude, harsh, and disrespectful communication within the body of Christ caused people to turn away from the Christianity and the Church as a resource for healing, help, and spiritual growth? How do we change the way in which we behave towards one another? What is hypocrisy? What do we do in order to be joyful healthy Christians together?

Click HERE to listen to the Message.


10/4/2015 Heart “Openness” Opening your heart. World Communion Sunday

Sermon: “The Discipline of an Open Heart”

Theme: God calls us to open our hearts and be willing to receive all people with love and acceptance.

Purpose: The congregation will reconsider their preconceptions about others and seek to be open to all people.

Scriptures: Ephesians 1:15-23 With the eyes of your heart enlightened you may have a spirit of wisdom and revelation.
Mark 12:28-33 Love the Lord your God with all of your heart, mind, and strength, love your neighbor as yourself.

What does the Apostle Paul mean by the “eyes of the heart” being “enlightened?” What does our heart have to do with having strength and power to serve Christ? What does it mean for us to have our hearts open to Christ’s guidance and serving? What is meant by the commandment to “Love God with all of our heart, mind, and soul?” How does that type of love affect the Body of Christ? How is the love for God related to our love for others in the world? How does our ability to learn to love fully affect the Body of Christ?

Click HERE to listen to the Message.

9/27/2015 Seeing (Paying Attention)

Sermon: “How You Look At Things”

Theme: Through faith we learn to look through love and trust in God, so that we become focused on living lives of generosity, love, and faith.

Purpose: To teach the congregation to focus on what they are focusing their eyes and thoughts upon.

Scriptures: Matthew 6:19-24 The eye is the lamp of the body, it can be full of greed or light.
Acts 9:3-9, 17-22 Saul receives his sight through prayers and the removal of the scales that blinded him.

What are the things that we focus our attention upon? Do we choose to focus on the things that are up building and worthy of our attention? Do we tend to focus on things that are negative and critical? How does our focus and attention affect our attitude? How does our attention and focus affect the people around us? In what ways does our attention and focus either build up the body or Christ or function in a way that is negative and destructive? How do we keep our focus on the mission of serving Christ and remove it from complaint and criticism?

Click HERE to listen to the sermon.

9/20/2015 Hearing

Sermon: “Listening and Hearing”

Theme: God calls us to open our ears, and to be open to listening, but to be thoughtful about what we choose to hear, and how we choose to support the body of Christ by listening for God’s presence.

Purpose: The congregation will understand that listening is a discipline and will begin to work to practice listening so as to build up the body of Christ.

Scriptures: Mark 7:31-37 Jesus opens the ears of the deaf mute.
1 John 4:1-6 Listening to what confesses God and not encouraging that which furthers hostility or animosity.

What happens to the body of Christ when we choose to listen to gossip and hostility? Is it kind to encourage people to continue to complain and pour out their hostility or is it encouraging them to dwell in their unforgiveness? What can we do to actively listen and in that way build up others? What can we do to encourage through listening that people seek to grow in their relationship with God and seek healing? In what ways is our listening going to either encourage growth in wisdom and knowledge of God or deepening of resentments and hostility?

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9/13/2015 Introduction – One Body. 2 services, Kick off Sunday

Sermon: “One Body of Christ” Theme Song: One Bread, One Body

Theme: We are united as the one body of Christ, each called to be a part of the body in love and fellowship.

Purpose: The congregation will seek to support the health and union of the whole body.

Scriptures: 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 You are the body of Christ and individually members of that one body.
John 15:7-17 Jesus commands that we love one another and that love be the center of our relationships (not servants but friends).

What does it mean that we are the one body of Christ? What are the ways in which we are struggling with acceptance of others? In what ways are we encountering a need to growth in diversity? What are the “less honorable” parts of the body? Do we treat the “unseen” and “unappreciated” parts of the body with the honor they deserve? Are there ways in which we have been neglecting to encourage the diversity of the body? What is your part or strength in the body of Christ? What can you do to help the whole body to be healthier?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

September 6, 2015 Last Sunday of 9:00 AM Worship Labor Day Weekend Communion

Sermon: “Seeing Christ in Each Person”

Theme: Faithfully following Christ calls us to confront our own partiality and seek to be welcoming, accepting, and compassionate towards all people.

Purpose: The congregation will examine and consider how they judge and condemn

Scriptures: Proverbs 22:1-2, 8-9, 22-23 Faithfulness requires honesty and respect for all.
James 2:1-13 Being partial towards people who have signs of wealth or power is not living in Christ’s love.

In what ways do we tend to prejudge people? What are some of our weaknesses in reacting favorably or unfavorably towards people’s appearance or other mannerisms? In what ways do we need to be active in recognizing our bias and prejudice? What can we do to offset those attitudes? When is it that we have opportunities to grow in love and acceptance, particularly towards those who appear in a manner that is challenging for us? What can we do in order to be more welcoming and compassionate towards individuals whom we have previously prejudged?

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