11/8/2015 Ears that Listen
Sermon: “Christians (Having Received the Word)
Theme: We have heard the word and now seek to live it faithfully as the Body of Christ in fellowship with one another.
Purpose: The congregation will commit itself to living as Christ calls us to live.
Acts 11:19-30 The name “Christian” is first given to people who followed the example of the Anointed one.
John 13:33-35 By your love, everyone will know that you are followers of Christ.
What does it mean to be Christ-like? Do we raise to the measure of being people who are seen for our love for one another and for all of the world? Do we show that we have received God’s word by our love? What do people think of when they hear about Christians? Why are some who claim to be Christian so prone to be resentful, hostile, and negative? How do we reclaim the meaning of the word Christian from those who have caused it to be associated with judgmentalism and hypocrisy?
Click HERE to listen to the message.